Weight: 152.8 Energy: 6/10 (7=average) Attitude: 7/10 (7=average)

I slept well last night and woke up well this morning. Fasting may, in this sense, be improving my energy. I don’t like the large weight drop recorded since yesterday, but I do expect my weight loss to level off at 1#/day. If that holds, I will *just* be able to squeeze out a 21-day fast while staying above my cut-off weight. My biggest concern is my electrolytes – I have done my best to be taking all of the right supplements this time, but last time I had it wrong and it got pretty rough.
I’ll do a light workout this morning – some stretching, push-ups, and sit-ups. I’m not going to the gym during my fast, but I would like to keep up with my daily stretching and some minimal exercise. Today, too, I am going with a logger to visit the property that Nicole and I are looking at; I am sure there will be a good amount of tromping through the woods, and that may be an exertion for me. (Ended up being just fine.)
At lunch time I finished up the rest of my electrolyte pills. I don’t take all of them in the morning, so that I can have a “snack” at lunch. Do you remember The Jetsons? The futuristic cartoon where entire meals were compressed into pill form? I pretend that my reddish pill is a turkey sandwich, and my white one is a cream soda. Delicious!